Do you know how much calories you take a day? If you don’t want to be fat, at first you need to know it. This site tells you all about calories. It also has much detailed foods information such as nutrition facts, nutritional analysis and so on. Would you try to count your calories and plan your diet by checking this?
Most of Japanese girls are suffering from constipation. There is a solution. It is “Massaging the bowels” diet. “Massaging the bowels” diet is good for constipation. Just massage around the bowels by yourself, and you can make the bowels actively. It seems to feel good. This site shows you how to “massaging the bowels” diet. Please read and try it.
Have you noticed that there are two types of sweat? Those are good sweat and bad sweat. Then, what is the good sweat? NHK broadcasted TV program about it. This site is content of the program.